Spring 2022

Feminising Agriculture: A Manifesto for a Reproductive Landscape in the WeinlandVasiliki Bali, Georgia Drakou, and Nathalie Peeters

Three daughters take over their father’s farm, the biggest biological farm of Switzerland, and, tired of the masculine and productive world they’ve landed in, wish to transform it. Through the view of a citizen exploring who the future farmer is, the reader stumbles upon a speculative fabulation for a feminine farm combining community values, robots and a regeneration of soil, plants, life. A farm where roles are not determined by gender. Where no farmer risks health issues and care for the body is as important as care for the soil and plants, a philosophy of care that has been lost in the present monocultural agriculture. A farm that opts to move beyond a productive landscape towards a reproductive landscape.

All images are taken by Vasiliki Bali, Georgia Drakou & Nathalie Peeters unless mentioned otherwise.