Spring 2022

AtlasFood ProductionAlice Clarke, Akshar Gajjar, and Chaido Kaproulia

Food production has shaped the lives of communities and landcsapes around them giving rise to productive landscapes that often encircle cities. Food is a vital element of both human and non-human existence. However, these landscapes are also unsustainable. To offer new agroecological alternatives, first an exploration of current practices is needed. Switzerland produces about half of its food requirements within its borders, existing within a diversity from polycultural to monocultural landscape. ( 2018) This Atlas explores the evolution of food production that shaped this productive landscapes, the current situation in Switzerland and in particular Zurich. It analyses at how higher yield and disease resilient varieties of crops as led to a less varied diet which is in danger as we look towards a more extreme climate in the future. What could be more sustainable alternatives for future food production? Is it organic agriculture a solution? Should how food is valued change?

All images are taken by Alice Clarke, Akshar Gajjar, & Chaido Kaproulia unless mentioned otherwise.