Autumn 2022

Magnets of SociabilityXiang Lin, Paulo Olivato, Nabila Larasati Pranoto, and Mateus Rosa da Silveira

Lausanne is a city in transition: economically, from an infrastructural point of view, and most controversially, demographically. This change in population profile can result in tensions altering social demands beyond the established ones. Also contained in these displacements are socio-ecological potentials often neglected by new urban developments and municipal authorities. Conversely, our project states that the ambition to lead climate change processes is inseparable from the continuous implementation of spatial justice. In dealing with the urban discussion, we are not only referring to marginalized groups but also to marginalized spaces presented in cartographies carried out throughout the empirical contact with the city.

Our project considers such areas as those detected in the city from its modernization processes and implementation of large infrastructures, especially those along the macro-mobility infrastructures. They are called residual areas, terrain vague, waste spaces, etc. There, we see a potency of actions directed to them, without losing their strength of indetermination, but in a process of reframing these spaces from programmatic arrangements and interventions (sometimes minimal and flexible), reasserting their social and ecological and social-inclusive character.